Feria Internacional de Turismo Mexico 2013 FITA Bancomer Santa Fe
• Ha comenzado la gira de promoción de Fita por las principales ferias internacionales y con ello la comercialización de nuestro piso de exhibición.
• WTM, ABAV Y Cancún Travel Mart fueron nuestos anfitriones.
• The promotion tour of Fita Through the main international fairs has started as well as the marketing of our exhibition floor.
• WTM, ABAV and Cancun Travel Mart were our hosts.
Las reuniones que tuvo con profesionales del turismo, compradores, vendedores y medios sirvieron para dar a conocer los resultados de la edición 2012. Fita se ubicó en el Pabellón Internacional , stand E-16.
Estos tres dÃas estuvieron destinados exclusivamente a reuniones de negocios con citas preestablecidas, tanto con compradores internacionales asà como con expositores nacionales de diferentes estados de la república, predominando la zona del Caribe Mexicano.
Fita tuvo la oportunidad de compartir en estos eventos los resultados preliminares de su tercera edición y compartir las novedades que tendrá para la edición 2013.
The main objective of the promotion plan is reporting the date of the International Tourism Fair of the Americas in 2013, namely September 26th to 29th in the Expo Bancomer Santa Fe Exhibition Center in Mexico City.
Fita visited the ABAV Americas Fair in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil last October 24th, 25th and 26th and held several meetings with tour operators, touristic destinations and tourism-related companies, just to mention some contacts.
The meetings held with tourism professionals, purchasers, salespeople and media were used to report the results of the 2012 edition. Fita was located in the International Pavilion, Stand E-16.
Moreover, Fita also participated as exhibitor in the 25th edition of Cancun Travel Mart held on October 15th to 17th at the Cancun Conventions Center.
These three days were devoted exclusively to pre-scheduled business meetings, both with international purchasers and with national exhibitors from different states of the Republic, mainly from the Mexican Caribbean Zone.
Likewise, Fita was present in the Mexico Pavilion in the World Travel Market held in the Excel Center in London, United Kingdom on November 5th to 9th; there we held meetings mainly with the Tourism Ministries to include new countries to the fair´s offer.
Fita could share the preliminary results of its third edition in these events as well as the novelties to be shown in the 2013 edition.